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Where To Stay In Santorini Without A Car

I’m planning a trip to Santorini and I’m looking for a place to stay without a car. I’m looking for a place that is close to the beach and other attractions, but also has easy access to public transportation. I’d like to find a place that is comfortable and affordable, but also has great amenities. Does anyone have any suggestions for a place to stay in Santorini without a car?

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1 Answer

  1. If you are looking to stay in Santorini without a car, there are many options available. You can stay in a hotel, guesthouse, or villa, most of which are located in the towns of Fira, Oia, and Imerovigli. There are also many Airbnb options available in these towns as well. Additionally, there are plenty of public transportation options available, including bus routes and taxi services, so you can easily get around the island without a car.