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What To Wear In Paris 2016

I’m planning a trip to Paris in 2016 and I’m not sure what to wear. I’m looking for advice on what to bring in my suitcase. I’m a woman in my mid-20s and I’m looking for something stylish and fashionable but also comfortable and practical. I’m not sure if I should focus on the classic French look or if I should try something more modern. I’m also not sure if I should bring a lot of different pieces or if I should stick to a few basics that I can mix and match. I’m looking for advice on what to wear in Paris in 2016.

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1 Answer

  1. When visiting Paris in 2016, it is important to dress stylishly and comfortably. Layering is key to staying warm in the cooler months, so opt for a lightweight coat or jacket over a warm sweater or blouse. For bottoms, dark-wash jeans or trousers are a great option. To complete the look, choose a pair of stylish boots or loafers. For a more formal look, a dress or skirt with a blouse and a blazer is a good choice. Accessorize with a scarf, hat, or jewelry to add a touch of Parisian flair.