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Where To Stay In Palawan

I’m planning a trip to Palawan and I’m looking for advice on where to stay. I’m looking for a hotel or resort that is close to the beach, has great views, and is reasonably priced. I’m also looking for somewhere that has a variety of activities and amenities available. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. There are a variety of accommodation options in Palawan, depending on your budget and preferences. Some popular options include resorts, hotels, guesthouses, and hostels. For luxury stays, resorts such as El Nido Resorts, Amanpulo, and Club Paradise are popular choices. For mid-range stays, hotels like Two Seasons Coron Island Resort and Spa, Discovery Shores Boracay, and The Lind Boracay are great options. For budget stays, guesthouses and hostels like The Funny Lion Hostel, The Circle Hostel, and The Palawan Beach House are great options.