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Where To Eat In Beaufort Sc

I’m looking for some suggestions on where to eat in Beaufort, SC. I’m looking for a place that offers a variety of options and a great atmosphere. I’m hoping to find a place that has a good selection of seafood, as well as other options. I’m also looking for a place that has a nice atmosphere, with good music and a friendly staff. I’m open to any suggestions that you might have, so please let me know what you think!

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1 Answer

  1. I recently visited Beaufort, SC and was looking for the best places to eat. After a bit of research, I found some great restaurants that I highly recommend.

    My favorite spot was the Sea Eagle Market. It had a great selection of seafood dishes, from fried shrimp to crab cakes. The atmosphere was relaxed and the service was friendly. I highly recommend trying the fried oysters!

    If you’re looking for something a little more upscale, I would suggest The Beaufort Inn. It has a great selection of steaks and seafood dishes, as well as some delicious cocktails. The atmosphere is cozy and the service is excellent.

    If you’re in the mood for some classic Southern cooking, I recommend the Old Bull Tavern. The menu has all the classic favorites, like fried chicken, collard greens, and mac and cheese. The atmosphere is cozy and the service is friendly.

    No matter what type of cuisine you’re looking for, Beaufort