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What To Wear In Rome

I’m planning a trip to Rome soon and I’m not sure what to wear. I’m looking for advice on what to pack and what to wear while I’m there. I’m mostly concerned about what to wear during the day and at night. I’m also wondering what kind of accessories I should bring. I’m looking for advice on what kind of clothing will be appropriate for the weather and the culture. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. When visiting Rome, it is important to dress in a way that is both comfortable and respectful. During the summer months, lightweight, breathable fabrics and light colors are best. For women, sundresses and skirts are popular choices, while men can wear shorts and a t-shirt. During the cooler months, it is best to layer your clothing, such as wearing a light jacket over a t-shirt. When visiting churches and other religious sites, it is important to dress modestly and cover your shoulders and knees.