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What To See In Downtown Portland

I’m planning a trip to Portland and would like to know what I should see in downtown. I’m looking for attractions that are unique to the area and that will give me a taste of the city. I’m also interested in any activities that I can do while I’m there. I’m hoping to find something that is both fun and educational. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Answer

  1. There are so many great things to see and do in downtown Portland! Here are some of the top attractions:

    1. Portland Japanese Garden – This beautiful garden features a traditional Japanese garden, a tea house, and a cultural village.

    2. Powell’s City of Books – This bookstore is the largest independent new and used bookstore in the world.

    3. Portland Art Museum – This museum has a collection of more than 42,000 works of art from around the world.

    4. Portland Saturday Market – This outdoor market features handmade crafts, food, and entertainment.

    5. Portlandia Statue – This iconic statue of the city’s namesake is located in the heart of downtown.

    6. Lan Su Chinese Garden – This walled garden features traditional Chinese architecture, plants, and ponds.

    7. Tom McCall Waterfront Park – This park runs along the Willamette River and features a variety of recreational activities.
