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What To See In Cusco

I’m planning a trip to Cusco, Peru and I’m wondering what I should see while I’m there. I’m looking for a mix of cultural and historical sites, as well as some outdoor activities. I’m hoping to find something that will give me a unique experience and really show me what Cusco has to offer. I’m open to suggestions from anyone who has been there before, or who has an idea of what I should check out. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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1 Answer

  1. Cusco is an amazing city with a lot to see and do. Some of the most popular attractions include the Plaza de Armas, the Cusco Cathedral, the Sacsayhuaman ruins, the San Blas neighborhood, the San Pedro Market, and the Qorikancha Temple. You can also explore the nearby Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, both of which are must-see attractions.